Your Road to Personal Addiction Recovery
Ep. 139 Dr Nelson and Robin have a candid conversation
Dr Nelson and Robin have a candid conversation
All Episodes
Ep. 183 Rebekah Mutch - NET Recovery10/01/2024
Ep. 182 Audrey Hope - Certified Addiction & Trauma Counselor07/04/2024
Ep. 181 Jeff Lott04/02/2024
Ep. 180 Tom Welch12/07/2023
Ep. 179 Lauryn Thayer11/08/2023
Ep. 178 The Sober Shaman Randal Lyons10/04/2023
Ep. 177 Nico Morales: Transforming Lives Through Resilience and Purpose09/06/2023
Ep. 176 Kay and Murray Sumner07/11/2023
Ep. 175 Jared Callahan06/06/2023
Ep. 174 What is Dialetical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?04/04/2023
Ep. 173 Edwige Gilbert, Transformation Guide and Founder of New Life Directions02/07/2023
Ep. 172 Dr. Robb Kelly01/03/2023
Ep. 171 Austin Pollard12/06/2022
Ep. 170 Milton Cohen11/01/2022
Ep. 169 Only The Strong Survive10/06/2022
Ep. 168 Confessions of a Cannabis Addict08/02/2022
Ep. 167 8-2-2207/05/2022
Ep. 166 Deerhaven Gardens part 206/07/2022
Ep. 165 Drink your way sober with The Sinclair Method (TSM) -part One. Recorded at Deerhaven Gardens, 5/26/22 in Asheville, NC.05/03/2022
Ep. 164 How to transform your life from fear to love02/03/2022
Ep. 163 Nathanael Garrett Novosel01/04/2022
Ep. 162 Are you struggling with your recovery but still a spiritual skeptic?12/15/2021
Ep. 161 How does a smart, successful, seemingly healthy person find herself struggling for her life due to alcohol abuse?08/03/2021
Ep. 160 Secret to permanent recovery: HOW... Honesty, Open mind and Willingness07/06/2021
Ep. 159 From Chains to Saved: One Man's Journey through the Spiritual Realm of Recovery06/01/2021
Ep. 158 Richard Capriola05/04/2021
Ep. 157 Todd Davis of CBD Unlimited04/06/2021
Ep. 156 Drink yourself sober: An urban myth is now a reality with The Sinclair Method (TSM)02/16/2021
Ep. 155 Arlina Allen02/09/2021
Ep. 154 Kevin Kramer, CEO of US Cryotherapy01/19/2021
Ep. 153 The Addicted Child: A Parent's Guide to Substance Abuse01/12/2021
Ep. 152 Kurt's story01/05/2021
Ep. 151 Grace Melrose, Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Director of Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders12/15/2020
Ep. 150 What is Sondermind? Understanding the underlying causes of addiction and how did Andre Aggasi's tennis pursuits lead to his addiction.12/08/2020
Ep. 149 Corona fatigue11/17/2020
Ep. 148 Chronic pain doesn't require opiate pain meds or surgery10/27/2020
Ep. 147 Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?10/13/2020
Ep. 146 Stevie's journey10/06/2020
Ep. 145 Shama Persson09/15/2020
Ep. 144 Danielle Thorpe09/08/2020
Ep. 143 How to be a realistic and effective parent09/01/2020
Ep. 142 Greg Johnson - The Sober Success Specialist08/25/2020
Ep. 141 Michael's story08/18/2020
Ep. 140 Just because you're done with drugs, doesn't mean drugs are done with you08/04/2020
Ep. 139 Dr Nelson and Robin have a candid conversation07/21/2020
Ep. 138 Can repeating a simple Sanskrit mantra or singing a Kirtan Chant really resolve anxiety, addictions, and the false sense of being isolated?07/14/2020
Ep. 137 Insights from an Addiction specialist07/07/2020
Ep. 136 Recovery from an executives perspective06/16/2020
Ep. 135 What is Cryotherapy and how it can improve your long term recovery and overall health06/09/2020
Ep. 134 90% of people with addiction disorders never seek help05/26/2020
Ep. 133 Owen Fielding of NET Recovery Corp,05/19/2020
Ep. 132 The ones we love never really leave us05/12/2020
Ep. 131 The rollercoaster ride from addiction to recovery05/06/2020
Ep. 130 One More Light. Chester Bennington spoke directly to me, fortunately, I listened04/28/2020
Ep. 129 Healing the heart of addiction04/21/2020
Ep. 128 Pop tarts aren't brain food04/14/2020
Ep. 127 The importance of backbone in recovery03/31/2020
Ep. 126 What is BEMER?03/24/2020
Ep. 125 Andrew Assini, MA03/17/2020
Ep. 124 Ways to boost your immune system03/10/2020
Ep. 123 The uncertainty and fear of the Coronavirus03/03/2020
Ep. 122 Tim Bell of Arcosanti02/25/2020
Ep. 121 Addiction is an obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body02/11/2020
Ep. 120 Non-sexual touch for healing and addiction recovery02/04/2020
Ep. 119 Why is it so hard to change our behavior and/or recover from addictions?01/28/2020
Ep. 118 Even the best conventional medical addiction programs have abysmal long term success rates01/21/2020
Ep. 117 Dr. Mark Pirner of US World Meds joins us to talk about Lucemyra01/14/2020
Ep. 116 Ownership is essential for a healthy life01/07/2020
Ep. 115 How and why to apply yoga therapy for the management/healing of PTSD and trauma related issues12/31/2019
Ep. 114 Heading into the New Year12/10/2019
Ep. 113 Bbbbbb..bad to the bone?12/03/2019
Ep. 112 The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About: How I Let My Pornography Addiction Hurt People and Destroy Relationships11/26/2019
Ep. 111 Russell Phillips11/19/2019
Ep. 110 Jason Shiers11/12/2019
Ep. 109 Leslie Cole11/05/2019
Ep. 108 Food can be a recovering addict's Best Medicine or their new Drug of Choice10/29/2019
Ep. 107 Instantaneous Healing of Dr. Nelson's lifelong anger, resentment, live on the podcast10/22/2019
Ep. 106 I Want My Diploma (dot com)10/15/2019
Ep. 105 Craigslist and other online illicit drug markets are criminally negligent and indirectly responsible for many heroin overdose deaths.10/08/2019
Ep. 104 Can you be addicted to adrenaline?10/01/2019
Ep. 103 Magic mushrooms or entheogenic psychedelics may be the missing piece of your failed recovery program. Too bad they're illegal.09/24/2019
Ep. 102 Is Sugar the Original Gateway Drug?09/17/2019
Ep. 101 Conversations with Skyler09/10/2019
Ep. 100 Our 100th podcast09/03/2019
Ep. 99 Kratom: A natural treatment for opiate use disorder.08/20/2019
Ep. 98 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words08/13/2019
Ep. 97 The addiction to being right08/06/2019
Ep. 96 Is social media perpetuating and making or culture addicted to violence?07/30/2019
Ep. 95 Custom Made Recovery07/23/2019
Ep. 94 Why we are the "Addiction Nation"07/16/2019
Ep. 93 Celebrating my daughter's 5 year sobriety from heroin addiction07/09/2019
Ep. 92 How to be Miller Strong07/02/2019
Ep. 91 Lucemyra for opiate withdrawals and why everybody should have a TDP lamp.06/25/2019
Ep. 90 6-25-1906/11/2019
Ep. 89 6-11-1906/04/2019
Ep. 88 My recovery is all about controlling the addict living inside of me05/07/2019
Ep. 87 Prolotherapy: Non-surgical joint repair for acute injury and chronic pain04/30/2019
Ep. 86 Hormone balancing for addiction recovery04/23/2019
Ep. 85 Connection: the key to recovery.04/16/2019
Ep. 84 Healing with horses04/09/2019
Ep. 83 Cannabis: A gateway to non-addictive pain relief, better sleep, and protection against Alzheimer’03/20/2019
Ep. 82 Why did Dorothy fall asleep and other classical literary drug references03/13/2019
Ep. 81 IV nutrition for addiction recovery support with Rebekah Vasey03/06/2019
Ep. 80 23 years old and 7 years sober02/27/2019
Ep. 79 Opiate crisis: Who's to blame? Answer: We all are.02/20/2019
Ep. 78 The haters are making me famous02/13/2019
Ep. 77 Are hallucinogens medicine?02/06/2019
Ep. 76 What is Third Eye Integration and how it may be the key element missing from your recovery01/23/2019
Ep. 75 Dr. Nelson, what should we do?01/16/2019
Ep. 74 Throwing plastic is a "healthy" addiction01/09/2019
Ep. 73 Why is addiction recovery so difficult?01/02/2019
Ep. 72 The New Year offers an opportunity for change12/19/2018
Ep. 71 Lesson's from our children12/12/2018
Ep. 70 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions when dealing with your adult children's addiction.12/05/2018
Ep. 69 Is addiction recovery a rite of passage?11/28/2018
Ep. 68 Dr. Nelson and Robin discuss the book, "The Four Seasons of Recovery, for Parents of Alcoholics and Addicts". by Mike Speakman, L.I.S.A.C.11/21/2018
Ep. 67 Finding gratitude even in the toughest of times11/02/2018
Ep. 66 Human Sexuality with Dr. Duffy McMahon10/24/2018
Ep. 65 Please Don't Try to Fix Me10/17/2018
Ep. 64 It's not just stopping the drug/alcohol abuse09/26/2018
Ep. 63 Prevention is the Best Cure09/19/2018
Ep. 62 EMDR therapy explained09/12/2018
Ep. 61 What is mindfulness and why is it important in recovery?09/05/2018
Ep. 60 Father Leo Feeds08/29/2018
Ep. 59 International Overdose Awareness Day. Friday 8/31/1808/22/2018
Ep. 58 Naltrexone, Facebook, and a willingness to change08/15/2018
Ep. 57 Substance "abuse" versus "dependence."08/09/2018
Ep. 56 Suboxone, Subutex and large insects08/01/2018
Ep. 55 Methadone: a new perspective on the pro's and con's07/25/2018
Ep. 54 Demi Lovato's OD, CBD for addiction recovery and other current topics with Robin Coté and Dr. Nelson07/18/2018
Ep. 53 8 ways to help your addicted loved one07/11/2018
Ep. 52 Dr. Nelson's Addiction story06/13/2018
Ep. 51 What is drug harm reduction?06/06/2018
Ep. 50 28 years of sobriety05/30/2018
Ep. 49 Married to a drug dealer, biting the rehab nurse, gun violence, detox then relapse05/23/2018
Ep. 48 All diseases and conditions will respond to nutritional therapies05/18/2018
Ep. 47 “The story of the Emperor Moth.” How helping an addict sometimes hurts05/09/2018
Ep. 46 Sinclair Method changes lives05/07/2018
Ep. 45 History and politics of opium and heroin04/25/2018
Ep. 44 Another successful recovery from alcoholism using The Sinclair Method.04/18/2018
Ep. 43 High dose Vitamin C for heroin detox at home04/11/2018
Ep. 42 Tom Ingoglia, Business Director of the NAD Treatment Center04/04/2018
Ep. 41 Attitude is everything.03/15/2018
Ep. 40 First hand experience with Naltrexone pellet. Interview with Adam K.03/07/2018
Ep. 39 “My Fair Junky... a memoir of getting dirty and staying clean.”02/21/2018
Ep. 38 HELP WANTED02/14/2018
Ep. 37 How to restore your health after becoming sober02/07/2018
Ep. 36 Throwing Up Rainbows01/24/2018
Ep. 35 An Invitation to recovery01/17/2018
Ep. 34 Erin Part 201/10/2018
Ep. 33 Smile Now Cry Later01/03/2018
Ep. 32 The Cure for Alcoholism in One Little Pill12/13/2017
Ep. 31 “Erin part I”. Listen to Erin’s tragic story of addiction.12/06/2017
Ep. 30 Making a Difference one dollar at a time11/29/2017
Ep. 29 The Bridge Device11/22/2017
Ep. 28 Conversation with James11/15/2017
Ep. 27 Geffen Liberman11/09/2017
Ep. 26 FAQS re: Naltrexone pellet treatment for alcohol addiction recovery11/01/2017
Ep. 25 FAQs re: Naltrexone pellet treatment for prescription pain drugs and heroin addiction recovery10/25/2017
Ep. 24 Harm reduction for people with heroin and opiate addiction10/18/2017
Ep. 23 Jacobs Ladder10/11/2017
Ep. 22 How to recover from Affluenza10/04/2017
Ep. 21 Acupuncture for addiction with George Graf09/27/2017
Ep. 20 Journey of a mother and counselor dealing with daughter's addiction09/21/2017
Ep. 19 Wisdom and healing from the islands09/07/2017
Ep. 18 The challenging job08/30/2017
Ep. 17 A mother's Love can heal08/23/2017
Ep. 16 Valuable insights from Garrett08/16/2017
Ep. 15 Another Successful Recovery08/09/2017
Ep. 14 Changing the conversation about addiction08/02/2017
Ep. 13 90% success in addiction recovery- This is the REAL DEAL07/26/2017
Ep. 12 Jacob's Hope AZ - Much needed care facility for drug exposed infants07/19/2017
Ep. 11 Recovery is Possible, Here's Living Proof07/12/2017
Ep. 10 Blue Print for 100% Success06/28/2017
Ep. 9 A successful addiction recovery - Light at the end of the tunnel06/21/2017
Ep. 8 The Ripple Effect - Invisible Impact of Suicide06/14/2017
Ep. 7 Cycling, Commitment, and Change - A father's addiction recovery story06/07/2017
Ep. 6 A Sister's Love can heal05/31/2017
Ep. 5 40 years of experience and wisdom with Jeff Gazley05/24/2017
Ep. 4 Dr. Nelson discusses Heroin addiction with his guest Lauren05/17/2017
Ep. 3 Earth To Moon with guest Jack B Moon05/10/2017
Ep. 2 How to Break the Circle of Addiction to Opiates05/03/2017
Ep. 1 Dr Nelson's Goal- 50% Reduction in Heroin and Opiate Deaths in 5 Years