Your Road to Personal Addiction Recovery
Ep. 137 Insights from an Addiction specialist
Dr. Alan Kazen is a board certified addiction specialist and the medical director at Calvary Recovery Center in Phoenix, AZ. Listen in as Dr. Kazen shares his practical advice, expertise and clinical insights gathered over a long and successful career helping people in their recovery. Topics of discussion include harm prevention (Naloxone, Hep C, and Fentanyl testing), acute rescue meds (Clonidine, Lucemyra, etc), the importance of mood stabilization for recovery, and how to increase the probability of long term recovery.
All Episodes
Ep. 184 Faust Ruggiero02/04/2025
Ep. 183 Rebekah Mutch - NET Recovery10/01/2024
Ep. 182 Audrey Hope - Certified Addiction & Trauma Counselor07/04/2024
Ep. 181 Jeff Lott04/02/2024
Ep. 180 Tom Welch12/07/2023
Ep. 179 Lauryn Thayer11/08/2023
Ep. 178 The Sober Shaman Randal Lyons10/04/2023
Ep. 177 Nico Morales: Transforming Lives Through Resilience and Purpose09/06/2023
Ep. 176 Kay and Murray Sumner07/11/2023
Ep. 175 Jared Callahan06/06/2023
Ep. 174 What is Dialetical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?04/04/2023
Ep. 173 Edwige Gilbert, Transformation Guide and Founder of New Life Directions02/07/2023
Ep. 172 Dr. Robb Kelly01/03/2023
Ep. 171 Austin Pollard12/06/2022
Ep. 170 Milton Cohen11/01/2022
Ep. 169 Only The Strong Survive10/06/2022
Ep. 168 Confessions of a Cannabis Addict08/02/2022
Ep. 167 8-2-2207/05/2022
Ep. 166 Deerhaven Gardens part 206/07/2022
Ep. 165 Drink your way sober with The Sinclair Method (TSM) -part One. Recorded at Deerhaven Gardens, 5/26/22 in Asheville, NC.05/03/2022
Ep. 164 How to transform your life from fear to love02/03/2022
Ep. 163 Nathanael Garrett Novosel01/04/2022
Ep. 162 Are you struggling with your recovery but still a spiritual skeptic?12/15/2021
Ep. 161 How does a smart, successful, seemingly healthy person find herself struggling for her life due to alcohol abuse?08/03/2021
Ep. 160 Secret to permanent recovery: HOW... Honesty, Open mind and Willingness07/06/2021
Ep. 159 From Chains to Saved: One Man's Journey through the Spiritual Realm of Recovery06/01/2021
Ep. 158 Richard Capriola05/04/2021
Ep. 157 Todd Davis of CBD Unlimited04/06/2021
Ep. 156 Drink yourself sober: An urban myth is now a reality with The Sinclair Method (TSM)02/16/2021
Ep. 155 Arlina Allen02/09/2021
Ep. 154 Kevin Kramer, CEO of US Cryotherapy01/19/2021
Ep. 153 The Addicted Child: A Parent's Guide to Substance Abuse01/12/2021
Ep. 152 Kurt's story01/05/2021
Ep. 151 Grace Melrose, Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Director of Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders12/15/2020
Ep. 150 What is Sondermind? Understanding the underlying causes of addiction and how did Andre Aggasi's tennis pursuits lead to his addiction.12/08/2020
Ep. 149 Corona fatigue11/17/2020
Ep. 148 Chronic pain doesn't require opiate pain meds or surgery10/27/2020
Ep. 147 Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?10/13/2020
Ep. 146 Stevie's journey10/06/2020
Ep. 145 Shama Persson09/15/2020
Ep. 144 Danielle Thorpe09/08/2020
Ep. 143 How to be a realistic and effective parent09/01/2020
Ep. 142 Greg Johnson - The Sober Success Specialist08/25/2020
Ep. 141 Michael's story08/18/2020
Ep. 140 Just because you're done with drugs, doesn't mean drugs are done with you08/04/2020
Ep. 139 Dr Nelson and Robin have a candid conversation07/21/2020
Ep. 138 Can repeating a simple Sanskrit mantra or singing a Kirtan Chant really resolve anxiety, addictions, and the false sense of being isolated?07/14/2020
Ep. 137 Insights from an Addiction specialist07/07/2020
Ep. 136 Recovery from an executives perspective06/16/2020
Ep. 135 What is Cryotherapy and how it can improve your long term recovery and overall health06/09/2020
Ep. 134 90% of people with addiction disorders never seek help05/26/2020
Ep. 133 Owen Fielding of NET Recovery Corp,05/19/2020
Ep. 132 The ones we love never really leave us05/12/2020
Ep. 131 The rollercoaster ride from addiction to recovery05/06/2020
Ep. 130 One More Light. Chester Bennington spoke directly to me, fortunately, I listened04/28/2020
Ep. 129 Healing the heart of addiction04/21/2020
Ep. 128 Pop tarts aren't brain food04/14/2020
Ep. 127 The importance of backbone in recovery03/31/2020
Ep. 126 What is BEMER?03/24/2020
Ep. 125 Andrew Assini, MA03/17/2020
Ep. 124 Ways to boost your immune system03/10/2020
Ep. 123 The uncertainty and fear of the Coronavirus03/03/2020
Ep. 122 Tim Bell of Arcosanti02/25/2020
Ep. 121 Addiction is an obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body02/11/2020
Ep. 120 Non-sexual touch for healing and addiction recovery02/04/2020
Ep. 119 Why is it so hard to change our behavior and/or recover from addictions?01/28/2020
Ep. 118 Even the best conventional medical addiction programs have abysmal long term success rates01/21/2020
Ep. 117 Dr. Mark Pirner of US World Meds joins us to talk about Lucemyra01/14/2020
Ep. 116 Ownership is essential for a healthy life01/07/2020
Ep. 115 How and why to apply yoga therapy for the management/healing of PTSD and trauma related issues12/31/2019
Ep. 114 Heading into the New Year12/10/2019
Ep. 113 Bbbbbb..bad to the bone?12/03/2019
Ep. 112 The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About: How I Let My Pornography Addiction Hurt People and Destroy Relationships11/26/2019
Ep. 111 Russell Phillips11/19/2019
Ep. 110 Jason Shiers11/12/2019
Ep. 109 Leslie Cole11/05/2019
Ep. 108 Food can be a recovering addict's Best Medicine or their new Drug of Choice10/29/2019
Ep. 107 Instantaneous Healing of Dr. Nelson's lifelong anger, resentment, live on the podcast10/22/2019
Ep. 106 I Want My Diploma (dot com)10/15/2019
Ep. 105 Craigslist and other online illicit drug markets are criminally negligent and indirectly responsible for many heroin overdose deaths.10/08/2019
Ep. 104 Can you be addicted to adrenaline?10/01/2019
Ep. 103 Magic mushrooms or entheogenic psychedelics may be the missing piece of your failed recovery program. Too bad they're illegal.09/24/2019
Ep. 102 Is Sugar the Original Gateway Drug?09/17/2019
Ep. 101 Conversations with Skyler09/10/2019
Ep. 100 Our 100th podcast09/03/2019
Ep. 99 Kratom: A natural treatment for opiate use disorder.08/20/2019
Ep. 98 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words08/13/2019
Ep. 97 The addiction to being right08/06/2019
Ep. 96 Is social media perpetuating and making or culture addicted to violence?07/30/2019
Ep. 95 Custom Made Recovery07/23/2019
Ep. 94 Why we are the "Addiction Nation"07/16/2019
Ep. 93 Celebrating my daughter's 5 year sobriety from heroin addiction07/09/2019
Ep. 92 How to be Miller Strong07/02/2019
Ep. 91 Lucemyra for opiate withdrawals and why everybody should have a TDP lamp.06/25/2019
Ep. 90 6-25-1906/11/2019
Ep. 89 6-11-1906/04/2019
Ep. 88 My recovery is all about controlling the addict living inside of me05/07/2019
Ep. 87 Prolotherapy: Non-surgical joint repair for acute injury and chronic pain04/30/2019
Ep. 86 Hormone balancing for addiction recovery04/23/2019
Ep. 85 Connection: the key to recovery.04/16/2019
Ep. 84 Healing with horses04/09/2019
Ep. 83 Cannabis: A gateway to non-addictive pain relief, better sleep, and protection against Alzheimer’03/20/2019
Ep. 82 Why did Dorothy fall asleep and other classical literary drug references03/13/2019
Ep. 81 IV nutrition for addiction recovery support with Rebekah Vasey03/06/2019
Ep. 80 23 years old and 7 years sober02/27/2019
Ep. 79 Opiate crisis: Who's to blame? Answer: We all are.02/20/2019
Ep. 78 The haters are making me famous02/13/2019
Ep. 77 Are hallucinogens medicine?02/06/2019
Ep. 76 What is Third Eye Integration and how it may be the key element missing from your recovery01/23/2019
Ep. 75 Dr. Nelson, what should we do?01/16/2019
Ep. 74 Throwing plastic is a "healthy" addiction01/09/2019
Ep. 73 Why is addiction recovery so difficult?01/02/2019
Ep. 72 The New Year offers an opportunity for change12/19/2018
Ep. 71 Lesson's from our children12/12/2018
Ep. 70 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions when dealing with your adult children's addiction.12/05/2018
Ep. 69 Is addiction recovery a rite of passage?11/28/2018
Ep. 68 Dr. Nelson and Robin discuss the book, "The Four Seasons of Recovery, for Parents of Alcoholics and Addicts". by Mike Speakman, L.I.S.A.C.11/21/2018
Ep. 67 Finding gratitude even in the toughest of times11/02/2018
Ep. 66 Human Sexuality with Dr. Duffy McMahon10/24/2018
Ep. 65 Please Don't Try to Fix Me10/17/2018
Ep. 64 It's not just stopping the drug/alcohol abuse09/26/2018
Ep. 63 Prevention is the Best Cure09/19/2018
Ep. 62 EMDR therapy explained09/12/2018
Ep. 61 What is mindfulness and why is it important in recovery?09/05/2018
Ep. 60 Father Leo Feeds08/29/2018
Ep. 59 International Overdose Awareness Day. Friday 8/31/1808/22/2018
Ep. 58 Naltrexone, Facebook, and a willingness to change08/15/2018
Ep. 57 Substance "abuse" versus "dependence."08/09/2018
Ep. 56 Suboxone, Subutex and large insects08/01/2018
Ep. 55 Methadone: a new perspective on the pro's and con's07/25/2018
Ep. 54 Demi Lovato's OD, CBD for addiction recovery and other current topics with Robin Coté and Dr. Nelson07/18/2018
Ep. 53 8 ways to help your addicted loved one07/11/2018
Ep. 52 Dr. Nelson's Addiction story06/13/2018
Ep. 51 What is drug harm reduction?06/06/2018
Ep. 50 28 years of sobriety05/30/2018
Ep. 49 Married to a drug dealer, biting the rehab nurse, gun violence, detox then relapse05/23/2018
Ep. 48 All diseases and conditions will respond to nutritional therapies05/18/2018
Ep. 47 “The story of the Emperor Moth.” How helping an addict sometimes hurts05/09/2018
Ep. 46 Sinclair Method changes lives05/07/2018
Ep. 45 History and politics of opium and heroin04/25/2018
Ep. 44 Another successful recovery from alcoholism using The Sinclair Method.04/18/2018
Ep. 43 High dose Vitamin C for heroin detox at home04/11/2018
Ep. 42 Tom Ingoglia, Business Director of the NAD Treatment Center04/04/2018
Ep. 41 Attitude is everything.03/15/2018
Ep. 40 First hand experience with Naltrexone pellet. Interview with Adam K.03/07/2018
Ep. 39 “My Fair Junky... a memoir of getting dirty and staying clean.”02/21/2018
Ep. 38 HELP WANTED02/14/2018
Ep. 37 How to restore your health after becoming sober02/07/2018
Ep. 36 Throwing Up Rainbows01/24/2018
Ep. 35 An Invitation to recovery01/17/2018
Ep. 34 Erin Part 201/10/2018
Ep. 33 Smile Now Cry Later01/03/2018
Ep. 32 The Cure for Alcoholism in One Little Pill12/13/2017
Ep. 31 “Erin part I”. Listen to Erin’s tragic story of addiction.12/06/2017
Ep. 30 Making a Difference one dollar at a time11/29/2017
Ep. 29 The Bridge Device11/22/2017
Ep. 28 Conversation with James11/15/2017
Ep. 27 Geffen Liberman11/09/2017
Ep. 26 FAQS re: Naltrexone pellet treatment for alcohol addiction recovery11/01/2017
Ep. 25 FAQs re: Naltrexone pellet treatment for prescription pain drugs and heroin addiction recovery10/25/2017
Ep. 24 Harm reduction for people with heroin and opiate addiction10/18/2017
Ep. 23 Jacobs Ladder10/11/2017
Ep. 22 How to recover from Affluenza10/04/2017
Ep. 21 Acupuncture for addiction with George Graf09/27/2017
Ep. 20 Journey of a mother and counselor dealing with daughter's addiction09/21/2017
Ep. 19 Wisdom and healing from the islands09/07/2017
Ep. 18 The challenging job08/30/2017
Ep. 17 A mother's Love can heal08/23/2017
Ep. 16 Valuable insights from Garrett08/16/2017
Ep. 15 Another Successful Recovery08/09/2017
Ep. 14 Changing the conversation about addiction08/02/2017
Ep. 13 90% success in addiction recovery- This is the REAL DEAL07/26/2017
Ep. 12 Jacob's Hope AZ - Much needed care facility for drug exposed infants07/19/2017
Ep. 11 Recovery is Possible, Here's Living Proof07/12/2017
Ep. 10 Blue Print for 100% Success06/28/2017
Ep. 9 A successful addiction recovery - Light at the end of the tunnel06/21/2017
Ep. 8 The Ripple Effect - Invisible Impact of Suicide06/14/2017
Ep. 7 Cycling, Commitment, and Change - A father's addiction recovery story06/07/2017
Ep. 6 A Sister's Love can heal05/31/2017
Ep. 5 40 years of experience and wisdom with Jeff Gazley05/24/2017
Ep. 4 Dr. Nelson discusses Heroin addiction with his guest Lauren05/17/2017
Ep. 3 Earth To Moon with guest Jack B Moon05/10/2017
Ep. 2 How to Break the Circle of Addiction to Opiates05/03/2017
Ep. 1 Dr Nelson's Goal- 50% Reduction in Heroin and Opiate Deaths in 5 Years