Officer Down Memorial Podcast
Ep. 13 The William Freytag Story
End of Watch – March 13th, 1961 William (Bill) H. Freytag was a proud father of 5, a full-time engineer at IBM, and an active Reserve Officer for the Rochester Police Department. He loved his kids dearly and loved serving to help keep his community safe - service that cost Bill his life in 1961 while working downtown. He was the city's first fallen hero, Rochester PD's first recorded Line of Duty Death. WARNING: Content may be disturbing so some listeners. Listener discretion is advised. (Go to for pictures related to this hero’s story)
All Episodes
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Ep. 38 THE BILL GRAY STORY01/02/2023
Ep. 36 Jerome Haaf Story05/18/2022
Ep. 35 The John Liebenstein Story04/13/2022
Ep. 34 The Brian Etheridge Story03/10/2022
Ep. 33 DNR Murders in Waterville02/05/2022
Ep. 32 The Brandy Winfield Story01/14/2022
Ep. 31 The Floyd Haley Story12/31/2021
Ep. 30 2021 YEAR IN REVIEW with Sheriff Scott Rose12/03/2021
Ep. 29 The Brian Klinefelter Story11/05/2021
Ep. 28 3 COPS TALK about the ODMPodcast10/17/2021
Ep. 27 The John Scanlon Story09/26/2021
Ep. 26 The Corey Slifko Story09/24/2021
Ep. 25 1st HELP – honoring LE Suicide Survivor Families09/17/2021
Ep. 24 Survivors of Blue Suicide Foundation09/14/2021
Ep. 23 Minnesota Invisible Wounds Project08/27/2021
Ep. 22 The Jack Werner Story08/13/2021
Ep. 21 Scott Rose - On The Blue Line07/30/2021
Ep. 20 The Walter Kruegel Story07/16/2021
Ep. 19 Scott Rose on the Off Duty Podcast07/02/2021
Ep. 18 The Dustin Reichert Story06/18/2021
Ep. 17 Q&A and Interview with Sgt Betsy Brantner Smith (ret.)06/04/2021
Ep. 16 The Jason Meyer Story05/21/2021
Ep. 15 The Shawn Schneider Story05/14/2021
Ep. 14 The Neil Johnson Story05/07/2021
Ep. 13 The William Freytag Story04/23/2021
Ep. 12 The Christian Johnson Story04/09/2021
Ep. 11 Red Wing Officers Down03/26/2021
Ep. 10 The John Schneider Story03/19/2021
Ep. 9 The Thomas Welch Story03/12/2021
Ep. 8 The Thomas Carroll Story03/05/2021
Ep. 7 ODMP Interview with Randy Sutton02/26/2021
Ep. 6 The Douglas Claassen Story02/12/2021
Ep. 5 Faribault Officers Down01/29/2021
Ep. 4 The Greg Lange Story01/15/2021
Ep. 3 The Ole Havey Story12/17/2020
Ep. 2 The Robert (Beefy) Lawson Story12/15/2020
Ep. 1 The Mathew Hamilton Story