Fun and Fast Times Sharon Camarillo
Ep. 16 Success is in the Details with Amy Orsak and Caitlin Elston from Reinsman
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Success is in the Details with Amy Orsak and Caitlin Elston from Reinsman
All Episodes
Ep. 47 Promoting Success; Training Equipment.11/06/2022
Ep. 46 Dona Kay Rule Overcoming Adversity09/18/2022
Ep. 45 Million Dollar Reiner Kole Price02/10/2022
Ep. 44 WPRA Election with Jimmie Munroe and Heidi Uecker-Schmidt08/20/2021
Ep. 43 Success Takes A TEAM06/15/2021
Ep. 42 Demystifying Horse Supplements w Dale Steege/MVP05/05/2021
Ep. 41 Mel Potter and Friends03/31/2021
Ep. 40 “Talking Politics and Life” with Jimmie Munroe02/26/2021
Ep. 39 Dona Kay Rule02/01/2021
Ep. 38 Rodeo 2021 w Bob Tallman10/12/2020
Ep. 37 The Amazing Wenda Johnson09/18/2020
Ep. 36 Challenges of Smoke Inhalation In Horses08/20/2020
Ep. 35 Life's A Highway, Rodeo 202005/15/2020
Ep. 34 Great American Rodeo with Cindy Rosser02/25/2020
Ep. 33 Olivia Train01/22/2020
Ep. 32 Lari Dee Guy12/05/2019
Ep. 31 "High on Life" with Bob Tallman12/03/2019
Ep. 30 Breakway Roping Phenomenon09/24/2019
Ep. 29 Guest Amberley Snyder08/22/2019
Ep. 28 Saddle Fitting Made Simple04/30/2019
Ep. 27 EPM, An Equine Epidemic with guest Dale Steege04/08/2019
Ep. 26 No Hoof No Horse with guest Mark Brum03/11/2019
Ep. 25 The Value of Education with Rayanne Engle Currin and Dena Kirkpatrick01/31/2019
Ep. 24 Trials, Tribulations, and Success with Guest Ivy Conrado and Kole Price12/04/2018
Ep. 23 Road to the NFR with Jessica Telford10/23/2018
Ep. 22 Maximizing performance with Dr Jim Chiapetta09/27/2018
Ep. 21 Art of Design with Donna Irvin and Amy Orsak from Reinsman08/20/2018
Ep. 20 Competition and Mental Attitude with Donna Irvin and Hailey Kinsel07/25/2018
Ep. 19 Lessons Learned Guests are Donna Irvin, Mikhayla DeMott, and Jenny Adams.05/07/2018
Ep. 18 Keys to Success in Breeding with Robin Weaver and Brandon Cullins03/08/2018
Ep. 17 Barrel Horse Bloodlines - Nellie Miller and Kenny Nichols are the guests01/01/2018
Ep. 16 Success is in the Details with Amy Orsak and Caitlin Elston from Reinsman11/20/2017
Ep. 15 NFR Ready with Bob Tallman and Tiany Schuster10/09/2017
Ep. 14 “Cinderella Stories” with Nellie Miller and Hailey Kinsel09/06/2017
Ep. 12 RELATIONSHIPS AND YOUR PROFESSIONAL TEAM with Arlis Baze and Hailey Kinsel06/21/2017
Ep. 11 In the Pursuit of Excellence with Tiany Schuster and Amberleigh Moore04/30/2017
Ep. 10 Don’t Sell Yourself Short with Charmayne James and Al Dunning03/13/2017
Ep. 9 It Takes A Team Featuring Lisa Lockhart and Sherry Cervi02/20/2017
Ep. 8 New Year - New Beginnings featuring Julie Goodnight, Dale Steege, Donna Irvin and Kathryn Merck02/13/2017
Ep. 7 Show 7 NFR Pre-Show featuring Lisa Lockhart, Mary Burger, Jimmie Munroe and Kathryn Merck11/07/2016
Ep. 6 Show 6 MVP for Horse Health Featuring Dale Steege, Martha Josey, Ivy Conrado10/17/2016
Ep. 5 Show 5 Mental Game of Competition Barbra Schulte, Sherry Cervi09/14/2016
Ep. 4 Show 4 Rodeo Royalty to Entrepreneur Pam Minick and Kathryn Merck, Miss Rodeo America08/15/2016
Ep. 3 Show 3 Rising Stars Cody Hedlund, Kole Price, Ivy Conrado07/01/2016
Ep. 2 Show 2 Horses and Education Donna Irvin, Amanda Love, Corban Livingston06/21/2016
Ep. 1 Show 1 Barrel Racing in the 21st Century Doreen Wintermute, Jimmie Munroe, Sherry Fulmer