The God Show with Pat McMahon

Ep. 7 A conversation with prison chaplains

A conversation with prison chaplains

All Episodes


Ep. 333 No pointed black hat. No broomstick. But plenty of Witchcraft on the God Show, and it's magic!


Ep. 332 You Don't Have to be Wrong for me to be Right! Ok, Yeah! You're A Bigger One! The sounds of Politics- America's new religion as expressed by Rabbi Brad Hirschfield.


Ep. 331 Do you really know what Orthodox Jews believe about Alcohol, Birth Control and Jesus? Rabbi Shlomy Leverton will hold a class.


Ep. 330 They say there are 7 Deadly Sins. Is that all? Fr. Dale Fushek breaks down how each affects us and our country


Ep. 329 Are you homeless-addicted-really, really sick- and you've given up finding help? It's time to meet St. Vincent de Paul- whose mission is to feed-clothe-house and heal.


Ep. 328 Is God a Liberal, a Conservative or has He just given up? The God Show asks Prof. of History Brooks Simpson.


Ep. 327 You think all Christian Universities are alike? BORING- Stodgy-Old Fashioned? You need to meet Grand Canyon University. It's President Brian Mueller will make the introduction.


Ep. 326 Ever spend time around a name-caller? How did it make you feel? It's a form of violence but Christine Dove wants you to know how you don't have to be a victim.


Ep. 325 Some say most oi intelligence today is artificial. But how does the science of AI affect our humanity? Prof. Joseph Vukov explains.


Ep. 324 Spiritual healing, Satan's possession, visits by the Virgin Mary. Superstitions or Super Holy. Vatican journalist John Thavis separates fact from fiction - miraculously!


Ep. 323 Megan Macintosh lost a son and sought help for her grief from...a horse. Now she offers the same kind of healing to you.


Ep. 322 Why have the Jews of the world suffered discrimination for centuries? Rabbi Beyo has several reasons


Ep. 321 What is life like for someone who grew up in a strict Catholic family and then loses faith? Donna Freitas will tell you.


Ep. 320 She is a Medium. She is a Feng Shui interior designer. She is the latest best selling author on the God Show.


Ep. 319 Brenda Yoder has a gift for all of you. She simply wants to uncomplicate your life. And it just might work!


Ep. 318 What IN THE WORLD is Secularism? Dr. Jacques Berlinerblau is an authority on what it is and most importantly- What IT ISN'T!


Ep. 317 You mean there's a world wide religion that respects all other religions? It's called BAHA'I and the Schlesinger's would like to talk about it.


Ep. 316 In America, how really separate are Church and State? Rusty Bowers, a man of faith and government, has an opinion.


Ep. 315 Did you see the CBS interview with Pope Francis? Let's review that historic hour with Fr. Dale Fushek & take our own closeup view of all things Vatican


Ep. 314 So you're in your early 20's planning a religious vacation and you fall over a cliff and nearly die. Julia Walsh did just that and then wrote "FOR LOVE OF THE BROKEN BODY."


Ep. 313 How would you guarantee yourself "A Well Lived Life"? Follow the lessons of 103 year old Dr. Gladys McGarey and know you may never be the same again.


Ep. 312 What does Judaism mean to you. Shai Held says it's this simple: Love!


Ep. 311 What exactly does the word Hospice mean? More than you could even imagine.


Ep. 310 Are you living alone as a single person? Unless you're 12 years old, some may think that's peculiar. Just tell them you're part of Anna Broadway's SOLO PLANET.


Ep. 309 The Methodists are all getting together this month to hammer out differences and Rev. Dan Hurlbert thinks IT'S ABOUT TIME!


Ep. 308 How do we solve the homeless problem? Shannon Clancy says "Let Vince do it." she's talking about St. Vincent de Paul!


Ep. 307 Rev. Bill Carter & Rev. David Felten. Sound like a couple of Jazz musicians? They say Jazz is a spiritual expression. And it's a GROOVE!


Ep. 306 Justice in America? Not for Cecil Johnson who spent 29 years in a Tennessee prison before being executed for a crime Suzanne Craig Robertson says he didn't commit. How often does that happen?


Ep. 305 Some of the citizens of Charlotte, N.C. lost their church properties a while back to the Government & big business. Rev. Gary Jarrell wants to know why.


Ep. 304 Dr. Zuhdi Jasser served in the US Navy & as a Muslim, is participating in the month of Ramadan. His views on America & world politics may surprise you.


Ep. 303 Some say immigration is America's biggest problem. That isn't what's written on the Statue of Liberty. And what would Jesus say? Albert Celoza of the AZ. Interfaith Movement has an opinion.


Ep. 302 Mark Victor Hansen Co-Authored "Chicken Soup for the Soul." He and his wife Crystal Co-Authored "Ask." Together they are guests on The God Show


Ep. 301 Sweet dreams... but what if they aren't? And do you think that God is responsible for your nightmares? Dr. Kelly Bulkeley shares thoughts on The Spirituality of Dreaming on The God Show


Ep. 300 Anyone in your family a fallen-away Catholic? Perhaps just a skeptical Catholic? Tom Corcoran is in charge of constructing a REBUILT FAITH.


Ep. 299 Have you ever felt the need to survive God? Perhaps it was the need to survive sexual abuse. That's what Grace Kim & Susan Shaw talk about on The God Show.


Ep. 298 Want a blessing? Well, you can go to a corner in Manhattan and ask Rev. Adrian Dannhauser or meet her on The God Show


Ep. 297 What do you get after selling millions of copies of Chicken Soup for the Soul? Another best seller & a profile of the flamboyant Rev. Ike written by his son Xavier & Mark Victor Hansen


Ep. 296 Is justice always moral? What's the difference between the two? Answers come from Judge Ty Taber on The God Show


Ep. 295 Is it not enough that Dr. Kevin Leman has written more than 60 books? Apparently not, since he also heads the Leman Academy Charter Schools


Ep. 294 Married & divorced twice - a single mother and still one of America's most successful motivational speakers - Jodi Low shares how to be U & Improved


Ep. 293 "Would you please pick up your toys?" "NO!" Find out how to handle it with Jim and Lynne Jackson on The God Show.


Ep. 292 Why do some think of ARIZONA as God's Country? Roger Naylor will tell you on, appropriately, ...The God Show


Ep. 291 Counselor Ron Greer lost his 2 year old son Erik and his wife Karen so he knows how to grieve & what not to do. Allow him to share on The God Show.


Ep. 290 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John wrote about loving one another but nothing about racism. The Gospel According to James Baldwin by Greg Garrett focuses on one of the century's great activists.


Ep. 289 Water is polluted. The air isn't breathable. Animal species are disappearing. But Sheri Hostetler says the good news is just around the corner.


Ep. 288 So the First Thanksgiving featured the Pilgrims and the Indians. We always hear from these Europeans. Native American Dr. Joe Stahlman speaks for the Indian guests.


Ep. 287 Are kids really different spiritually these days? Life Teen Director Sharon Fabyanic has a most positive perspective on the subject


Ep. 286 This is the season that finds thankfulness and gratitude in abundance. But what does that mean? Rev. David Felten has a few answers.


Ep. 285 How would you like to get sober. Fr. Dale Fushek invites you to make a reservation for a table at The Recovery Cafe


Ep. 284 When Teresa Strasser lost several members of her family, it may be a surprise to find what eased her grief-BASEBALL!


Ep. 283 What do we do when the children we love become adults? Author Melanie Springer Mock has the answer. In fact, several of them.


Ep. 282 Israel under attack. How could it happen? Ask an Army Colonel. Ask a Rabbi. Ask a woman. They are all Bonnie Koppell.


Ep. 281 For the first time on the God Show - a personal conversation with Bishop John P. Dolan


Ep. 280 What happens to a body once it's accepted by a mortuary? Who chooses cremation? Who does hair & makeup? All you ever wanted to know while you can still ask, answered by Hansen Mortuary.


Ep. 279 What's really going on behind Police Dept. doors? Ask a Chaplain. We did. Chaplain Vince Piano on the God Show.


Ep. 278 Imagine sharing your home with collectable items once owned by Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando and Hugh Hefner - and they're Bibles! That's the every day life of James Melikian.


Ep. 277 Sarah Stankorb is proud to have written about the DIS-Obedient woman who brought down powerful religious leaders in America


Ep. 276 Know the name Howard Thurman? He was a black civil rights leader who was also a mystic. Know the name Leata Coleman Brown? She is the author of his biography & our next guest


Ep. 275 You've seen the pictures of the disastrous fires on Maui. Now meet a Maui resident - Shep Gordon - who also happens to be Alice Cooper's personal Manager


Ep. 274 Is there a really accomplished sensitive person you can name? Try Dorcas Cheng-Tozun


Ep. 273 Mary Jo West was one of Arizona's most popular news anchors but that wasn't as important as her work with the children of Africa


Ep. 272 Did you ever experience the death of a family pet? Do you believe in an animal heaven? Trisha McCagh does because her pet told her about it.


Ep. 271 Want to hear a good story? The answer is always yes. And when Author Mark Yaconelli tells it, it's even better.


Ep. 270 She doesn't call herself a tree hugger or even an environmentalist. She's simply Barbara Mahany, the author of "The Book of Nature."


Ep. 269 "And on the 7th Day He Rested." But did you? Filmmaker MARTIN DOBLMEIR helps us focus on the "SABBATH."


Ep. 268 Right vs. Left / Catholics vs. Protestants / Us vs. Them. The world seems polarized But it doesn't have to be according to God Show guest Aaron Wessman.


Ep. 267 He's black and white. He grew up in a impoverished black neighborhood but married a Latina woman. Now he reports on CNN. He's John Blake.


Ep. 266 So you've heard horror stories about conflict in the Congo. What about miracles in the Congo. What about the life of Rose Mapendo.


Ep. 265 Some people who used to call themselves "Gay" now prefer the term "Queer." Jason Vail Cruz does and at various times in his life he has also called himself Catholic, Jewish, Hindu & Muslim.


Ep. 264 How do we solve the homeless problem? Shannon Clancy says "Let Vince do it." she's talking about St. Vincent de Paul!


Ep. 263 So, someone very close to you passed away & you're lost as to what to do. How to grieve? Are there rules? Stacia Ortega, a grief counselor says, "It's all going to be all right."


Ep. 262 Want to experience a well-lived life? Listen to Dr. Gladys McGarey who has been doing just that for 102 years!


Ep. 261 Dr. Bradley Onishi writes that we should be "Preparing for War" since the first battle has already taken place...January 6th.


Ep. 260 Psychological abuse, sexual abuse, sadistic punishment- Are these some pf the prison camps of the world? No! These are the "Ghosts of the Orphanage" investigated by Christine Kenneally.


Ep. 259 Some think Evangelical Christianity has too much influence in American politics. Jon Ward wrote a book about it. You'll meet him on The God Show


Ep. 258 Can a massage bring you relief from serious pain and a greater understanding of God? An answer is on the new God Show.


Ep. 257 Pope Francis was recently ill. That's serious at 86. When it's time for a successor, who might that be? Vatican advisor Fr. Michael Collins has some interesting ideas.


Ep. 256 Some parents and some politicians are banning books in school libraries. Rev. David Felten says that's a sin!


Ep. 255 Rusty Bowers virtually gave up his political career when he said no to Trump. He says it was a matter of right and wrong. What do you think?


Ep. 254 How does a Christian Minister attract a congregation of 20 year-olds? Listen to Dr. Brian Kruckenberg and you may understand


Ep. 253 Is it possible that there is a suicidal teen in your home? ARE YOU SURE? Teen Lifeline guests on The God Show


Ep. 252 Confucius many things but who cares today? Some say billions. One is Dr. Albert Celoza.


Ep. 251 Anyone who has been touched by A.A. knows about it's founder Bill W. But who inspired him? Let Author Dawn Eden Goldstein tell us on The God Show


Ep. 250 Meet Art Brooks, another radio guy whose favorite subject is God


Ep. 249 What are you giving up for Lent? Hopefully not The God Show this week with Rev. Vernon Meyer


Ep. 248 Right vs. Left / Catholics vs. Protestants / Us vs. Them. The world seems polarized But it doesn't have to be according to God Show guest Aaron Wessman.


Ep. 247 What good Catholic would ever dare to say homosexuality is not a crime. How about Pope Francis...and Marianne Duddy-Burke of Dignity USA.


Ep. 246 So why are churches empty these days? Because services are boring! A former nun has a solution.


Ep. 245 One of the most frightening places for a Muslim to be is India. Asad Shahid tells us why on The God Show


Ep. 244 Fr. Michael Collins is an authority on the lives of the Roman Catholic Popes, including the late Pope Benedict. You'll discover many of them for the first time on The God Show.


Ep. 243 Rusty Bowers virtually gave up his political career when he said no to Trump. He says it was a matter of right and wrong. What do you think?


Ep. 242 Meet Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, faithful Muslim and the sworn enemy of The Taliban, Isis and Al-Qaeda


Ep. 241 "Would you please pick up your toys?" "NO!" Find out how to handle it with Jim and Lynne Jackson on The God Show.


Ep. 240 When you hear The God Show with Rabbi Stephen Kahn, you'll learn everything about Chanuka...even how to spell it.


Ep. 239 "But Mom, I WANT THAT FOR CHRISTMAS!!!" Dr. Kevin Leman says there may be other ways to celebrate.


Ep. 238 So - you're a long-time Baptist family and you discover generations ago you were Buddhists. Surprise! That's Genealogy.


Ep. 237 Most of us are familiar with all the elements of The First Advent in Palestine but you may be surprised at how many exist now.


Ep. 236 Ever been homeless? There are half a million just in North America. And the average 11! Solutions are on The God Show.


Ep. 235 Ever see the movie or read the book The Exorcist? Let's talk about a book by a Psychiatrist who has participated in more than 200 Exorcisms. It will possess you.


Ep. 234 Your parents told you that you could be the President of the United States. Well, you probably can't. But that's O.K. if you practice "Low Anthropology."


Ep. 233 No pointed black hat. No broomstick. But plenty of Witchcraft on the God Show, and it's magic!


Ep. 232 Why do some think of Judaism as "The Longest Hatred?" The God Show attempts to understand Anti Semitism


Ep. 231 Can you imagine the life decisions every Dr. has to make? What about the nurses and their ethical questions? Some of the answers are on The God Show


Ep. 230 This time, a minister turns the tables on Pat


Ep. 229 Everyone knows Mother Teresa. But do you really? Not till you meet her again on The God Show


Ep. 228 Listen to a journalist for an international Catholic magazine and find out if he ever made the Pope mad!


Ep. 227 Rusty Bowers virtually gave up his political career when he said no to Trump. He says it was a matter of right and wrong. What do you think?


Ep. 226 If there was no Virgin Birth, No Adam and Eve, No Hell, would there still be a Christianity? YES- say the Progressives!


Ep. 225 Robert Ellsberg exchanged emails with Sister Wendy Beckett daily for 3 years. Find out why on The God Show.


Ep. 224 In Nazi Germany books were burned. Other places books were banned. And it's happening today in America.


Ep. 223 Rita Davenport: World Class Speaker, World Class Businesswoman - World Class!


Ep. 222 He's traveled the world. He's a long time Arizonan. And he's the new Exec. Director of the Arizona Interfaith Movement


Ep. 221 We don't know if Jesus was a Conservative or a Liberal. We do know he took a side!


Ep. 220 Has anyone you know been diagnosed with dementia? Will they forget their faith in God? Dr. John Dunlop says God won't forget them


Ep. 219 You want to change the world? Just Show Up!


Ep. 218 There is no God! That's what some scientists say. But Ron Londen says Science proves there is.


Ep. 217 Think of someone who hurt you. Can you forgive. You can learn to forgive anyone on The God Show.


Ep. 216 Everyone wants to know what Heaven is really like. Let's take a tour guided by someone who visits there every day!


Ep. 215 Once upon a time there was a little girl who said a prayer to save part of the world. And it was answered.


Ep. 214 Breaking News! Former Catholic Priest opens a cafe! Details on the God Show


Ep. 213 Was St. Francis just a holy man who loved animals? You'll find out how much more on The God Show


Ep. 212 Catholic Education is often some of the best. Except when the students had no choice because they're Indians


Ep. 211 Think of someone who hurt you. Can you forgive. You can learn to forgive anyone on The God Show.


Ep. 210 Meet 5 of the leading voices for good that have lived this century and the man who filmed their Biographies


Ep. 209 Once upon a time there was a little girl who said a prayer to save part of the world. And it was answered.


Ep. 208 Does anyone understand the current conflict in Ukraine? Listen to the God Show and a Priest who has been there.


Ep. 207 Two philosophies in conflict: Spirituality & Racism


Ep. 206 What do you get when, after 10 years as a Roman Catholic nun, you decide on a career in radio? You get the next guest on The God Show


Ep. 205 Are you a caregiver for a Veteran? Do you need a little help? It's as close as the God Show


Ep. 204 What's the most elusive thing in the world? How about Peace. And during Holy Week, let's talk about it


Ep. 203 Secularism-Religion-Politics. Is there ever a possibility of Co-Existence?


Ep. 202 Ancestry research can mean discoveries...Even for Christians who were raised Jewish


Ep. 201 You want to meet someone who is a devoted Irish Catholic, who went to Notre Dame? Well, Keep at it Riley!


Ep. 200 If you're feeling a bit off right now, you might be made well by the guest presented this week on the God Show


Ep. 199 Immigration - Does Washington have the answer. Perhaps, but what would Jesus do?


Ep. 198 What does a family with a special needs child do about religious training. You may want to look up Young Life


Ep. 197 Science vs Religion. Now THAT'S a Super Bowl!


Ep. 196 Got 20 minutes. If you use Transcendental Meditation you just might change your world


Ep. 195 Why do so many Around the world persecute Jews? We'd Better Ask a Rabbi


Ep. 194 Dr. Kevin Leman has written over 60 books on human behavior and right now he doesn't like the way you're raising your kids


Ep. 193 How can anyone afford to go to a private Catholic school. Let's ask some Catholics


Ep. 192 This God Show has been done in memory of the life and spirituality of Bishop Desmond Tutu


Ep. 191 Here's how to live positively and inspirationally. Just Laugh Out Loud!


Ep. 190 So a Buddhist, a Hindu and a Mormon walked into a radio studio and you won't believe what happened.


Ep. 189 There's romantic love- love of country and Fierce Love. That's the one that's on The God Show


Ep. 188 Is organized religion just another exercise of power over humanity? An authority on behavior has strong opinions


Ep. 187 What if you decided to live your life in service to a Monastery. You might be in the company of The Hermits of Big Sur


Ep. 186 There's a worldwide synod going on among Catholics world wide. But what does that mean. Even more Catholics don't know


Ep. 185 When your best friends are Muhammed Ali, Billy Crystal and Reba McEntire, "It's All About Relationships"


Ep. 184 Is it possible for anyone to have a civil discussion on politics these days. Learn how on The God Show


Ep. 183 The Mesa Arizona LDS Temple has been completely remodeled except for one thing. Mormons still consider it to be one of the most sacred places on Earth


Ep. 182 Ladies and Gentlemen- Presenting the ABRAHAMIC TRIO


Ep. 181 Where does a child go if he thinks nobody wants him. One remarkable place is featured on The God Show


Ep. 180 Climb 7 Storey Mountain with Thomas Merton


Ep. 179 Jews vs. Muslims. Right vs. Left. You vs. Me. The God Show offers a seminar in Conflict Transformation


Ep. 178 When you walk the CAMINO de Santiago across Europe you'll find Pilgrims, wonder and you may even find God


Ep. 177 The US Immigration problem. What would Jesus do. Wait! We can't ever get an answer to What should congress do. Perhaps you'll find one on The God Show


Ep. 176 She was a black female jazz musician and a convert who wrote music for the Catholic Mass. She was Mary Lou Williams


Ep. 175 She was a medical advisor. She was a spiritual teacher. She was a mystic. Her name is Hildegard. That is Saint Hildegard


Ep. 174 A black woman who is also a Pastor has written a book that is also a request directed to Dear White Peacemakers


Ep. 173 You've heard of Vincent Van Gogh & DePaul University. But how much do you know about St. Vincent de Paul


Ep. 172 How could the Muslim Taliban take over Afghanistan? Hear what a Muslim physician has to say


Ep. 171 Was your child someone else before birth? A psychiatrist examines Life Before Life on the God Show


Ep. 170 Native Indigenous Peoples have always said This is our land. Christianity then said Not so fast!


Ep. 169 Religious College or State University. What's right for your student. A Professor offers an opinion


Ep. 168 Gorilla Tales


Ep. 167 Joseph had a coat of many colors. No matter what you're wearing, the God Show will show you how to become a Masterpiece


Ep. 166 Prof. Brooks Simpson joins the God Show with an opinion


Ep. 165 Want to get in touch with someone who has passed away. Facebook. Forget it! Ask Medium Melinda Vai


Ep. 164 Desire - Sexuality - Longing. This God Show guest is an authority on all of them. And he's a Roman Catholic Priest


Ep. 163 There's the Christmas Angel and the Los Angeles Angels. But have you met your Guardian Angel. Let Joshua Mills introduce you


Ep. 162 Imagine one family made up of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews and they all love one another. Fantasy. No, it's The God Show


Ep. 161 As he traveled the world he discovered how much human there is in all humanity. Cultural Anthropologist Dr. Adrian McIntyre


Ep. 160 How to define Blindsided. Perhaps it's when your youngest son can do it all-and then he's gone!


Ep. 159 A Professor from NAU travels the world helping people avoid conflict. But then he sits down with the Israelis and the Palestinians - Prof. Bjorn Krondorfer


Ep. 158 What's the hardest thing for you to talk about? Sex-Politics-Religion? If it's Religion, you may have found the solution to being Tongue-Tied


Ep. 157 How likely is it that your child could die by suicide. Are you sure. Let's talk to Debbie Plotnick from Mental Health America


Ep. 156 How many Catholics do you know? Now, how many Black Catholics? Stuck for an answer. That may be changing. Meet Fr. Andrew McNair


Ep. 155 If you listen very closely you'll learn to surrender to magic, miracles and the rest of your life


Ep. 154 Almost everyone has had a diary at one time or another. What about Jesus?


Ep. 153 Will there ever be a time when every parent can trust their children around every Catholic priest


Ep. 152 Meet a Professor of Religion who doesn't believe in God from a book called The Jesus Nut


Ep. 151 What if the things you believe as a Christian may not all be true


Ep. 150 He's that blind singer from American Idol. He's also a husband, a father, a minister and a featured guest on The God Show


Ep. 149 Can you be a Catholic and faithful to your Native American traditions. A Yavapai woman explains.


Ep. 148 Immigration - Does Washington have the answer. Perhaps, but what would Jesus do


Ep. 147 Want to meet an internationally known Spiritual Leader and Nobel Prize recipient. How about Archbishop Desmond Tutu


Ep. 146 The score -Protestants 44 Catholics 2 for the White House. Will that ever change


Ep. 145 Don't just take a break. STOP!


Ep. 144 How does one go from hitchhiking across the country to addressing the U.N. Take Route 80


Ep. 143 These days stress is everywhere affecting every one. Want to get rid of it. Try MINDFULNESS


Ep. 142 So you're not pleased with the teachings of many religions. Neale Donald Walsch suggests you create your own


Ep. 141 God Show 1-24-21- And on the 7th day, there were Adventists


Ep. 140 When God created man in his likeness- what color was he


Ep. 139 So you're having trouble with your kids math lessons. Wait till they're in Sunday School


Ep. 138 What do Santa and the Baby Jesus have in common.


Ep. 137 Can you imagine dancing in an earthquake? What if it was God's Earthquake?


Ep. 136 Alcoholics Anonymous - The Rule of Benedict. They're very similar


Ep. 135 Was the birth of Jesus miraculous or an unantiseptic event in a barn. Meet an Honest Advent


Ep. 134 If you're introduced to an authority on gratitude, will you remember to say Thank You


Ep. 133 In all of America's history- Who would God vote for


Ep. 132 Have you made peace with the Universe. Socrates & Genghis did and Michael Alexander knows how they did it


Ep. 131 Who are the Amish. And are they to be admired or pitied


Ep. 130 Does Hospice care sound depressing. It won't once you meet Chaplain Bob Barrett


Ep. 129 Is the Golden Rule of any value at all these days. A couple of high school kids say it can change your life


Ep. 128 Practicing Catholics consider abortion to be a sin. But what if you're a Catholic and a member of the United States Supreme Court


Ep. 127 Some people are socially active only at their computer. But what happens when we go beyond Hashtag Activism


Ep. 126 If you ever saw your ENNEAGRAM you would be looking at yourself. Yours is being delivered on the God show


Ep. 125 He was an NFL veteran for 10 years. He was #24 and today Ron Wolfley says Jesus is #1


Ep. 124 The Dead Sea Scrolls. Are they a dead archaeological find or living history


Ep. 123 It's been 19 years since 9-11 and for some, the memories are fading. Meet someone who will never forget!


Ep. 122 Many US Presidents have had character problems. But how do they continue to be elected.


Ep. 121 So you want to make some big changes in your life but they seem too big. Why not make some MICRO SHIFTS!


Ep. 120 How different is life on the campus of an all girls Catholic high school especially during the pandemic


Ep. 119 So there are Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews and Reform Jews. Which one is more Jewish. A Rabbi has the answer


Ep. 118 Someone comes to your door who wants to tell you how to get to Heaven. Do you invite them in or tell them to mind their own business. Let's talk about Missionaries


Ep. 117 You may be able to speak knowledgeably about your faith but what about Confucianism, Shintoism & Zoroastrianism. All the things you didn't know about the Religions of Asia


Ep. 116 He has interviewed the major celebrities in show business & politics. He's conducted symphony orchestras. But now he prays with the sick as a Chaplain at one of the worlds greatest hospitals


Ep. 115 Conflict in Israel - Ireland - South Africa - The United States. Can anyone, anywhere honestly say I am not your enemy


Ep. 114 Would there be any Protestants if there hadn't been a Martin Luther. You'll find out on this, the 500th Anniversary of The Reformation


Ep. 113 Is it possible to bridge racial and cultural divide.


Ep. 112 On Father's Day, we honor Dad. But should we. Dr. Kevin Leman may surprise you


Ep. 111 The Garden of Eden wasn't the only green belt God had in mind


Ep. 110 How do you define courage. Is it the same as bravery or is it just speaking up


Ep. 109 What if the Bible isn't The Word of God. What if Jesus didn't want the Disciples to Spread the Word. What if you find out what all that means


Ep. 108 During the Pandemic, churches are empty. Afterwards, will it be any different


Ep. 107 Why did God create human sexuality. Why is it the business of the world's Religions


Ep. 106 Grieving over everything in life these days. Maybe that's ok. maybe you're ok. You may find out on the God Show


Ep. 105 What can be done about Pedophile Priests and can the Church survive this sin


Ep. 104 A four letter word that's a necessity these days - Hope


Ep. 103 Did you know you have an inner chapel.


Ep. 102 Only God can make a tree. The Poet Joyce Kilmer wrote that. Dr. Matthew Sleeth tells us why on The God Show (encore broadcast of epsiode 53)


Ep. 101 Coronavirus. Just what does God have in mind


Ep. 100 These days, are you saying I can't take it anymore. I quit! Wait! Before you quit, listen to Author Doug Gehman on The God Show


Ep. 99 Is world peace possible through a religion founded in Korea


Ep. 98 Erin Go Patrick, the Saint as he really was


Ep. 97 Pat visits with the Rev. David Felten (rebroadcast)


Ep. 96 Have a college bound student in your family. Ever consider a Catholic education. So you're not Catholic. They don't care.


Ep. 95 Why was the Forgotten Creed forgotten. Because it dealt with slavery, gender bias and nationalism


Ep. 94 Have you ever met Jain. No not her, it's a religion


Ep. 93 Jack of all trades, Master of none. Try Master of one! Perhaps that's what God has in mind.


Ep. 92 There's a big hit coming up for the Methodist church...Breaking up is so very hard to do


Ep. 91 Why doesn't religion know how to sell itself as well as Geico


Ep. 90 Do you have a special needs child. Meet someone who did and who found the value of the 5 love languages


Ep. 89 When is enough enough. Only you can answer


Ep. 88 What a Jewish woman believes when she returns to Judaism


Ep. 87 Mommy-Daddy-Is there really a Santa Claus. The answer is in The Secret of the Santa Box


Ep. 86 Merry Christmas. Now throw out everything you thought you knew about the holiday


Ep. 85 How do you handle Christmas when Santa just died? How to grieve and still have a life


Ep. 84 If your child is in surgery, is prayer the best medicine?


Ep. 83 Rather than being plain or bland- being ordinary may mean you're exceptional!


Ep. 82 Once upon a time there were two men who got lost-and then they found- something


Ep. 81 Hey! Where did all the Christians go. The God Show knows!


Ep. 80 What would you do if the voice of God told you he was bringing you home


Ep. 79 No pointed black hat. No broomstick. But plenty of Witchcraft on the God Show, and it's magic!


Ep. 78 Who was Henri Nouwen


Ep. 77 Imagine spies turning in their fellow citizens. Now imagine that those spies are Christian ministers


Ep. 76 I'd like to introduce you to 16 year old Andy Hull. But I can't because he's dead. You'll find out why on the God Show.


Ep. 75 The God Show takes a close-up look at Christian Science. Perhaps you'll feel better


Ep. 74 Formerly an Irish-Catholic, this Anthropolgist who became a Muslim, wants to talk about discrimination.


Ep. 73 Irene O'Garden healed her childhood by Risking the Rapids


Ep. 72 Why do you still want to be a Catholic. Why do you still want to be an American. Both answers are on the God Show


Ep. 71 Peace. Such a simple word but so difficult to maintain. A few tips on the God Show


Ep. 70 She and her family were imprisoned for 3 years behind barbed wire. Her crime. She was Japanese and this was WWII.


Ep. 69 We still don't know if Jesus had broithers and sisters. But Kevin Leman has a pretty good idea because he's the Birth Order Dr


Ep. 68 Is your family trying to decide between a Catholic education and public school. One side comes up on The God Show.


Ep. 67 Sikh and you shall find on The God Show


Ep. 66 He was hitchhiking at 17 and met a Blue Angel-The rest will change your life


Ep. 65 Striving to be perfect. Listen to the God Show and meet someone who has learned to avoid it at all costs!


Ep. 64 He was raped when he was 12 by a Roman Catholic Priest. Now he heads an organization that says NEVER AGAIN


Ep. 63 Fentanyl kills thousands. One who survived will tell you how he did it on The God Show


Ep. 62 Do you believe in Arch Angels. You better because there are 12 of them and they're waiting for a call!


Ep. 61 Do you believe in ESP, Telepathy and Reincarnation. Dr. Manuel Matas does and he's a Clinical Psychiatrist!


Ep. 60 Jesus listened to his Apostles, Jon Gauger listens to kids...with pretty much the same results


Ep. 59 Are churches, who care for illegals, breaking the law...that is, God's Law.


Ep. 58 Seculosity is a new way of looking at religions like Romance, Technology and Politics. It will all be explained on The God Show


Ep. 57 Ron Wolfley is your fullback and Jesus is your quarterback, who wins the game? The final score is on The God Show


Ep. 56 She's 16. He's 17. The recipe for a disastrous marriage. 43 years later, it's still working. Is yours


Ep. 55 Breaking news! Some of the greatest Christians in history had some pretty stupid beliefs.


Ep. 54 So it takes a village does it. What happens when the village is broken.


Ep. 53 Only God can make a tree. The Poet Joyce Kilmer wrote that. Dr. Matthew Sleeth tells us why on The God Show.


Ep. 52 You don't have to be Jewish to celebrate Passover. Not on The God Show!.


Ep. 51 Hate! It's curable. The God Show has the medicine.


Ep. 50 If you're a millennial, how difficult is it to follow the strict rules of the Mormon Church.


Ep. 49 The Bible has been rewritten by countless people including Thomas Jefferson. You may understand it for the first time if you listen to The God Show


Ep. 48 What do you know about Scientology. What if you're wrong


Ep. 47 Hey Methodists! Are you sure you know where you're going?


Ep. 46 A family of illegal immigrants comes to a door seeking sanctuary. What if the door belonged to Jesus


Ep. 45 Falun Gong is a spiritual movement based on truth, compassion and forbearance. Then why does the government of China want to destroy it


Ep. 44 Chris Martin lived One Life- in a dozen foster homes- in prison and in your mind for the rest of your life!


Ep. 43 In life- In your heart- Integrity. Want some?


Ep. 42 Has there ever been a death related to priests sex abuse scandals? Yes! The death of the Roman Catholic Church.


Ep. 41 The world of the St. Vincent de Paul Society


Ep. 40 I'll never forgive you


Ep. 39 P stands for privilege or prayers


Ep. 38 Charities: Do you give till it hurts? You don't have to.


Ep. 37 An Outlaw Christian says we can all Love Without Limits


Ep. 36 Some still say God is dead!!! But surprisingly, not in Russia.


Ep. 35 Can bigotry and bias ever be allowable? Ask a Rabbi


Ep. 34 Your past, your future, your departed loved ones are presented to you by Melinda Vail


Ep. 33 The first Thanksgiving. with Prof. Sherman Elliot, Grand Canyon University


Ep. 32 Making children mind without losing yours with Dr Kevin Leman


Ep. 31 The tree of life movement


Ep. 30 Canonization process with Author Michael Freze


Ep. 29 Reclaiming joy


Ep. 28 Jesus said what?


Ep. 27 How reading makes us better humans with Dr. Karen Swallow Prior


Ep. 26 What religion do you fear the most? Islam? Perhaps not anymore.


Ep. 25 The Morality of Sports


Ep. 24 Presbyterian minister who doesn't believe in God


Ep. 23 Are the greatest sins of the Roman Catholic church being committed by it's Roman Catholic priests?


Ep. 22 Pastor Kelly Bender


Ep. 21 The Morality of Immigration with Prof. Leah Sarat


Ep. 20 Grieving Children with Lisa Schmitt


Ep. 19 Hospice of the Valley with Lin Sue Cooney


Ep. 18 Transcendental Meditation with Amy Labagh


Ep. 17 Billy Graham's life with Biographer Terry Whalin


Ep. 16 Rana Singh Sodhi


Ep. 15 Major Nancy Dihle, General Secretary of The Salvation Army Southwest Division


Ep. 8 Religions of the world and how they can all get along


Ep. 7 A conversation with prison chaplains


Ep. 6 So, you want to be a jew - with Rabbi Schlomy Levertov


Ep. 5 World Refugee Day with Beth Allen


Ep. 4 Anglican Church with Rev Grayson Carter


Ep. 3 Discussing music in church with Norbert Zwickl Director of Music and Liturgy at Franciscan Renewal Center


Ep. 2 Chancellor Professor of Anthropoloy and Author Barbara J. King


Ep. 1 REV. DR. Vernon Meye